ASN Bank

Since 1960, ASN Bank is committed to a fair and sustainable society. In all its activities, ASN takes into account climate and the environment, vulnerable communities and future generations.

Clients of ASN Bank can pay, save and invest in ASN Investment Funds as well as have their assets managed. The bank also provides loans to projects and organizations that fit its sustainable mission. The ASN Bank is an independently operating bank and is part of SNS REAAL.

ASN-Novib Microcredit Fund
The ASN-Novib Microcredit Fund, established by ASN Bank and Oxfam Novib in 1999, is managed by Triple Jump. The fund invests in expanding and mature financial intermediaries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America; a semi-open-ended fund that enables private individuals to invest in microfinance institutions by purchasing shares sold by ASN Bank.

Investment data of ASN Bank are not displayed separately, but are integrated in Triple Jump’s data on the NpM Investments page.

For more information on ASN Bank, click here.

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