
Lendahand provides meso credit to give small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging countries, like the Philippines, Colombia and Ghana, a push in the right direction. That way they get the funds they need to grow further. And since this will lead to the addition of jobs and income, the poor will profit from this.

In high-income countries (SMEs) provide 60% of the jobs. In emerging countries they only account for 30% of the jobs (source: Worldbank). The best reinforcement for any economy is a strong middle class. All the more so in emerging countries should SMEs contribute to economic growth. If employment grows, poverty reduces. Eventually health care and education will improve.

The problem lies in the fact that SMEs in emerging countries often do not have access to (affordable) financing. That is why this sector is referred to as the ‘missing middle’. Both banks and microfinance institutions do not cater to them. Banks are equipped to serve larger companies only. They have demands that smaller companies cannot adhere to. Microfinance institutions, on the other hand, deem SMEs too complex.

Access to financing is, like for any other company, a necessary condition for further growth and development (e.g., purchase of raw materials or machinery, or expansion of the work place).

But in reality it is really hard for these companies to get a loan. Lendahand provides access to meso credit to these companies.

For more information, click here.

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