Drivers and Barriers of Regulatory Change Processes in Digital Finance: Lessons for Funders

Original source: CGAP

Regulation plays an important role in why digital financial services (DFS) take off at lightning speed in some countries, but not others. Funders can support partner countries to create an enabling regulatory environment for digital financial services. Their interventions are informed by regulatory diagnostics which give an overview of the regulatory landscape and identify gaps and bottlenecks for the development of DFS.

But facilitating change requires a thorough understanding not only of the regulatory landscape, but also of who drives and who blocks change and why. How can regulatory diagnostics capture these intangible dynamics – like incentives and power relationships – and effectively inform funder support of regulatory change processes? This webinar features speakers from both the funder and industry side who work with regulators to advance digital financial services.

Throughout the hour, speakers will highlight:

  • Key challenges hindering the adoption of the basic regulatory enablers for digital financial services;
  • experience with politically-informed regulatory diagnostics and how they help them be more adaptive to evolving challenges; and
  • GSMA’s engagement with regulators in Africa.

This webinar will occur on the 30th of January, between 09:00 – 10:00 EST.

Click here to register.

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