Original Source: Oikocredit 

Steady growth

Working together with her husband Ajo at home in Jonggol, West Java, Mimin has seen her krupuk business grow steadily since she became a member of Komida. Koperasi Mitra Dhuafa (Komida) is an Indonesian cooperative providing financial services to women entrepreneurs on low incomes in rural areas who have no access to banks and the formal financial sector.

Huge demand for financial inclusion

In 2016, Indonesia’s Financial Inclusion Survey carried out by its Financial Services Authority found that only a quarter of Indonesia’s population had access to formal financial services. And while the gap has narrowed since then, there is huge unmet demand for financial literacy and financial inclusion.

Oikocredit partnered with Komida in 2016 in view of its ambitious plans and positive social impact in the region, and to support the cooperative’s efforts to grow its lending operations. Komida is one Indonesia’s biggest cooperatives in the financial inclusion sector and is on course to meet its target of serving one million low-income women by 2020.

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